School Board
The School Board is the entity that has been given the responsibility for the operation of the school. Representatives are chosen from each of the SDA churches in the school’s constituency. In addition, the school administration, a Southeastern California Conference representative, a pastor of each constituent church, the Home & School president, and an alumni representative serve on the School Board.
The Board has authority only when meeting in official session. The Board acts as a group and no individual member or committee can act in place of the Board except by Board action. The Board has several committees that function on a regular basis. Both the Finance and Personnel Committees submit regular reports and recommend items to the Board for action.
School Board meetings, held on a regular basis, are open to anyone who wishes to attend except during Executive Session. If a person wishes to speak to the Board, or has an item for consideration on its agenda, he must make a request for this privilege of the School Board Chairperson or the Principal at least one week before the scheduled meeting.