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The Library offers reading materials, research materials, as well as computers for student use. Students in grades K-8 visit the library weekly and all other classes as teachers request time. 

We currently subscribe to Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition. Stop by the Library to get the username and password to access this resource at home. 

Our elementary students are very excited about using the AR Program. AR stands for Accelerated Reader. Students choose a book to read. When they finish the book, they take a computer quiz that lets them know they were able to comprehend what they read. Check with your student’s teacher to see how AR is being used in their classroom. 
Accelerated Reader
From home, visit to see if there is a quiz for the book you have chosen.  Type in book title and click Go.  Find your book from the list for it's reading level and points.

Research from Home
Visit to access the Escondido Public Library. 
Click on Research Guides (dark blue bar on top) 
Click on Newspapers and Magazines (or you choice)