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Escondido Adventist Academy is operated primarily for the education and training of the youth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, the school will consider an application from any person who is in harmony with the philosophy and goals of Adventist Christian education and who will sincerely endeavor to live according to its principles. Students are admitted without regard to gender, race, color, ethnicity, or country of origin, and are accorded equal rights and privileges on a racially nondiscriminatory basis. We hope that all students at Escondido Adventist Academy become aware of Jesus Christ as the focal point of campus life and choose to make Him their Lord, Savior, and Friend.
For more information, or to schedule an educational success consultation and campus tour, click on the Student Inquiry link to the right.  If you need additional assistance, please feel free to call the office at 760.746.1800.  We will be glad to assist you!